The Committee will deal with general complaints at the next planned committee meeting. If no meeting is planned for some time, a special committee meeting will be called within two weeks of the complaint being made to hear the complaint and to take whatever action is deemed necessary to deal with the complaint.

The club hereby adopts The Swim Ireland complaints & disciplinary rules and procedures as amended by Swim Ireland from time to time

All members of (club) must abide by the Swim Ireland complaints and disciplinary procedures

All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant complaints and disciplinary procedures

The management committee will appoint a complaints and disciplinary committee (CDC) in accordance with the Swim Ireland Complaints and Disciplinary Rules and Procedures.

Cessation / Suspension / Expulsion of Membership

TMSC have the power to terminate and suspend membership owing, but not limited to, violation of the constitution and/or rules, criminal behavior or any activity deemed unseemly by the management committee in line with Swim Ireland complaints and disciplinary policies

Swim Ireland Registration

Membership, Licensing, Courses & Events 

Open Swim

Open swim sessions are a beloved community activity that invites individuals of all ages and skill levels to enjoy the water in a relaxed and inclusive environment.

Gallery of events  

Event photo galleries are dynamic visual collections that capture the essence, energy, and key moments of various events.