Interested in becoming a member of Tallaght Masters Swimming Club? You can download or register online. If you have questions regarding which form to use, contact

Registration/Membership Forms

The Membership Forms are available for new/renewing members who do not have a current membership. We are very busy trying to input registration in the database and will not have time to respond to emails/phone calls that just want to verify registration.
We are very busy trying to input registration in the database and will not have time to respond to emails/phone calls that just want to verify registration.

Membership Types & Fees

Full member A Full Membership should attend 50% of training & 12 monthly €40 payment unless cleared by the committee for no less than 9 payments direct into club ac, standing order if possible (eligible to go on the committee). This also includes full access to the Gym at the complex.

PAYG Member ( Pay As You GO induction member) One session Thurs evening PAYG induction member €6 per swim (for swimmers who want to phase/integrate into the club, to build up their ability to become a full member) Also all SI affiliated members can PAYG per session open to all sessions.

Limited membership A member with Limited membership will pay €32 per month and avail of no more than 2 sessions per wk any session attended after this is €6 per session.

Absent member Absent members pay annual fee €150 + SI Membership not actively swimming with the club, down as an official working for SI,

Honorary Member Honorary Membership has reduced fee 10 % for services given served over 6 yrs. on the committee and full membership,

Lifetime Member A Lifetime Member is (Example) Marion Lane Coach swimmer and committee member membership is automatic for services rendered.

Leaving TMSC and Join another club

If a member wishes to leave TMSC and join another club they must follow Swim Ireland transfer rule (6.9 Swim Ireland Rule Book)

Membership fees Monthly

Membership fees shall be monthly and should be paid before the end of that calendar month. Any variation from this must be agreed by the management committee.

The membership year shall run from the 1st of September to the 31st of August of each year

Club fees will be determined by the management committee.

Deceased Member

If a member is deceased, their legal personal representative is not liable for any balance of subscriptions.

The membership of the Club

The membership of the Club (in accordance with Swim Ireland guidelines) shall be open to all male and female adults over the age of 18 years and as per the club membership categories.

Copy of Form

The Club will ensure that all members will be issued with a copy and/or access to an electronic copy of the Constitution upon joining the Club or upon first renewal of the membership after the date that the Club adopts the Constitution.

Number of Members

The Committee shall agree the maximum number of members in the Club at any given time.

Membership Rules

It is deemed that all members must abide by the rules of the Club and of Swim Ireland.

Disregarding the Rules

Any member who disregards the rules of the Club, or who, in the opinion of the Committee, brings the good name of the Club into disrepute may be called to appear before the Committee. The Committee will have the Authority to warn, reprimand, suspend or expel any member.

If the member is not satisfied with the decision of the Committee, an independent arbitrator will be appointed with the agreement of the member and the Committee, and in default of such agreement, by the President of Swim Ireland to consider the matter.

The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject applications for membership of the Club at its sole discretion.

Swim Ireland Registration

Membership, Licensing, Courses & Events 

Open Swim

Open swim sessions are a beloved community activity that invites individuals of all ages and skill levels to enjoy the water in a relaxed and inclusive environment.

Gallery of events  

Event photo galleries are dynamic visual collections that capture the essence, energy, and key moments of various events.